
FemtoBasic ist ein Tiny Basic Interpreter. An Variablen werden nur A bis Z aus 32-bit Integer unterstützt. Keine Stringvariablen (z.B A$)! FemtoBasic ist Zeilennummernorientiert. Zeilennummern können zw. 1 und 65535 lauten. Danach ein Leerzeichen und dann ein oder mehrere Befehlen, jeweils über Doppelpunkt(':') getrennt. Programme können von SD Karte mit LOAD „<name>“ geladen werden. Siehe auch „test.bas“.

Auszug aus orig. Manual.rtf


Expressions consist of variables, constants, and „pseudo-variables“ that function like variables, but may have complex actions like FILE or EEPROM[5]. Constants may be decimal, hexadecimal (prefixed with „$“), or binary (prefixed with „%“). All expressions use 32-bit integer values.


There are 26 variables designated by the letters A through Z. Upper and lower case letters are equivalent.

INA [ <expr> {.. <expr>} ]

This has the value of the specified input pin or pins. If two pin values are given, the first is the most significant bit number and the second is the least significant bit number of the value. The pin or pins specified are changed to input mode (the default).

BYTE [ <expr> ]

This has the value of the main memory byte at the address provided.

WORD [ <expr> ]

This has the value of the main memory word at the address provided. The least significant bit of the address is ignored.

LONG [ <expr> ]

This has the value of the main memory long word at the address provided. The least significant two bits of the address are ignored.

EEPROM [ <expr> {, <expr>} ]

This has the value of the byte in the EEPROM attached to the boot I2C bus (on pins 28-29) at the address specified. If two expressions are provided, the first gives the pin number of the SCL line of the EEPROM while the second expression is the address. The address may be any value from zero to $7FFFF and the upper 3 bits are used to form the device select code.


This has the value of the next byte in the currently open SD card file or -1 at the end of the file. The file must be open for reading.


This has the value of the amount of space available for program storage.


The current system clock value.


The cog counter phase register A value.


The cog counter phase register B value.


The cog counter frequency register A value.


The cog counter frequency register B value.


The cog counter control register A value.


The cog counter control register B value.


The value of the next keyboard key value or zero if the keyboard buffer is empty.

RND <expr>

The value is a pseudo-random number in the range zero to one less than that of the expression given.

- <expr> ! <expr>

„-“ is negate. „!“ is bit-wise logical not.

<9> SHL <9> <9> SHR <9> <9> ROL <9> <9> ROR <9> <9> SAR <9> <9> REV <9>

„SHL“ is logical shift left. „SHR“ is logical shift right. „ROL“ is rotate left. „ROR“ is rotate right. „SAR“ is arithmetic shift right. „REV“ is bit reverse. In all cases, the value to be shifted is the left operand and the shift count is the right operand. „REV“ reverses the order of the specified number of least significant bits with the most significant bits set to zero.

<8> & <8>

„&“ is bit-wise logical and.

<7> | <7>

„|“ is bit-wise logical or

<6> *<6> <6> / <6> <6> <6> „*“ is a 32 bit unsigned multiplication. „/“ is the quotient of a 32 bit unsigned division. „“ is the remainder of a 32 bit unsigned division.

<5> + <5> <5> - <5>

„+“ is a 32 bit addition. „-“ is a 32 bit subtraction

<4> = <4> <4> < <4> <4> > <4> <4> ⇐ <4> <4> >= <4> <4> <> <4>

„=“ is equal to. „<“ is less than. „>“ is greater than. „⇐“ is less than or equal to. „>=“ is greater or equal to. „<>“ is not equal to.

NOT <3>

„NOT“ is logical not.

<2> AND <2>

„AND“ is logical and.

<1> OR <1>

„OR“ is logical or.

Note that the numbers in the brackets (<n>) are used to indicate the operator precedence.


Note that multiple statements may be given on a line separated by a colon („:“). There are some restrictions on what can be combined on a line. These are described in the individual statements' descriptions.

{LET} <var> = <expr>

Set the variable <var> to the value of the expression <expr>.

INPUT { „<prompt>“;} <var> {,<var>}

If given, the <prompt> is displayed and an input line may be entered. For each variable given, an expression is evaluated from the input line. The expressions may be separated by commas („,“) or, if unambiguous, by spaces. These expressions may contain variable names, operators, or „pseudo-variables“. If more expressions are given than variables, the excess are ignored. An error is treated as if it occurred on the line where the INPUT statement is given.

PRINT <expr> } {, | ;

A series of expressions or string constants are given, separated by commas („,“) or semicolons („;“). If a comma is used, enough spaces are inserted to display the next item at the next display column divisible by 8. If a semicolon is used, the next item begins at the next column. If the statement ends with a comma or semicolon, an end of line is not inserted. A PRINT statement by itself causes an end of line to be displayed

GOTO <expr>

Go to the label whose value is equal to the expression

GOSUB <expr>

Call (as a subroutine) the label whose value is equal to the expression. Note that a GOSUB must be the only or last statement on a line.


Return from a GOSUB call

REM <comment>

The rest of the line in the program is considered part of the comment and is otherwise ignored.


Erase the current program and clear all the variables.

LIST {<expr> {,<expr>}}

List the current program. If no expressions are given, the whole program is listed. If one expression is given, that line is listed. If two expressions are given, all lines between those two values are listed.


Clear all the variables (to zero) and start executing the current program from the first line.

OPEN „<file>“, {R | W | A }

Open the specified file on the SD card in the mode requested (R - read, W - write, A - append). If a file is already open, it is closed first. Only one file may be open at a time.

READ <var> {,<var>}

Read a line from the currently opened SD card file and set the variables specified to the expressions supplied on that line. The expressions may be separated by commas or, if unambiguous, may be separated by spaces. These expressions may be any expression including operators, variables, pseudo-variables (like CNT). Effectively, this is as if „<var> = <expr>“ were executed for each variable given and each expression in the SD card file.

WRITE <expr> } {, | ;

This works just like the PRINT statement except that the characters produced are written to the currently opened SD card file. An end of line is written as a carriage return / line feed pair (ASCII CR/LF … 13, 10).


Close the currently opened SD card file, if any.

DELETE „<file>“

Delete the specified SD card file. Any opened SD card file will be closed.

RENAME „<file>“, „<file>“

Rename the specified SD card file. Any opened SD card file will be closed. This is not currently implemented and will produce an error message.


List all files on the SD card (at the root level). Neither subdirectories nor the files within them are included in this listing. Any opened SD card file will be closed.


Save the current program to an otherwise unused area in the boot EEPROM. Note that downloading a program to the EEPROM using the Propeller Tool or an equivalent downloading program will erase any saved program.

SAVE [ <expr> {, <expr>} ]

This saves the current program in the EEPROM attached to the boot I2C bus (on pins 28-29) at the address specified. If two expressions are provided, the first gives the pin number of the SCL line of the EEPROM while the second expression is the address. The address may be any value from zero to $7FFFF and the upper 3 bits are used to form the device select code. The address is adjusted to 2 bytes below the next 64 byte boundary and the total program length is stored in those two bytes followed by the program itself. If the address is adjusted upwards, only the last two bytes of that 64 byte block are changed.

SAVE „<file>“

Save the current program to the specified file on a SD card. Any existing file by that name will be overwritten with the program which will be saved in text file format, as if they were displayed with the LIST statement.


Erase the current program and load in a program previously saved with the SAVE statement.

LOAD [ <expr> {, <expr>} ]

Erase the current program and load in a program previously saved with the SAVE [ <expr> {, <expr>} ] statement.

LOAD „<file>“

Erase the current program and load in a program from an SD card file. This program must be in text format, just as if it were to be typed in. All lines must be numbered (with a line number) except lines that are completely blank.

FOR <var> = <expr> TO <expr> {STEP <expr>}

This sets up a standard Basic FOR/NEXT loop. The variable is set to the value of the first expression and tested against the limit given by the value of the second expression (which is evaluated only once). The optional step size may be positive or negative. If negative, the limit test is appropriately changed. The FOR statement must be the last statement on a multi-statement line and improperly nested FOR/NEXT statement pairs may cause incorrect execution without an error message. Default STEP value is +1.

NEXT <var>

This terminates a standard Basic FOR/NEXT loop. The STEP value is added to the variable and the result is tested against the limit value. If still within the limit, program execution continues with the statement after the matching FOR statement. If not, execution continues with the next statement.

OUTA [ <expr> {.. <expr>} ] = <expr>

This sets the specified output pin or pins to the expression to the right of the assignment. If one pin value is given, that is the pin to be changed. If two pin values are given, the first is the most significant bit number and the second is the least significant bit number of the value. The pin or pins specified are changed to output mode.

PAUSE <expr> {, <expr>}

The program is paused for the number of milliseconds given by the first (or only) value given. If two values are given, the first is in milliseconds while the second is in microseconds and they're added together for the total pause time. The minimum pause time is 50us. If the pause time is more than 10ms, The pause statement is interrupted after 10ms and reexecuted with a 10ms shorter pause time. This is to allow for the interruption of the program using a „break key“. The PAUSE statement must be the first or only statement on a line.

BYTE [ <expr> ] = <expr>

This sets the value of the main memory byte at the address provided to the expression on the right side of the assignment.

WORD [ <expr> ] = <expr>

This sets the value of the main memory word at the address provided to the expression on the right side of the assignment. The least significant bit of the address is ignored.

LONG [ <expr> ] = <expr>

This sets the value of the main memory long word at the address provided to the expression on the right side of the assignment. The least significant two bits of the address are ignored.

PHSA = <expr>

Set the cog counter phase register A to the expression.

PHSB = <expr>

Set the cog counter phase register B to the expression.

FRQA = <expr>

Set the cog counter frequency register A to the expression.

FRQB = <expr>

Set the cog counter frequency register B to the expression.

CTRA = <expr>

Set the cog counter control register A to the expression.

CTRB = <expr>

Set the cog counter control register B to the expression.

DISPLAY <expr> {, <expr> }

Send the specified byte values to the display driver. The specific control codes, their parameters, and their meaning depend on the display driver. See the display driver documentation for descriptions.


Stop execution of the program.


Stop execution of the program (works like STOP).

EEPROM [ <expr> {, <expr>} ] = <expr>

This sets the value of the byte in the EEPROM attached to the boot I2C bus (on pins 28-29) at the address specified. If two expressions are provided, the first gives the pin number of the SCL line of the EEPROM while the second expression is the address. The address may be any value from zero to $7FFFF and the upper 3 bits are used to form the device select code.

FILE = <expr>

This sets the value of the next byte in the currently open SD card file. The file must be open for writing or appending.

SPIN [ <expr> {, <expr> } ]

This causes a Spin program to be loaded into the Propeller's main memory from a 32K EEPROM „page“. If only one expression is provided, it is the starting address in a 512K byte address space made up of one or more EEPROMs attached to the I2C bus on Propeller pins 28 (SCL) and 29 (SDA). The boot EEPROM is the first 32K of this address space. The lower order 15 bits of the address are ignored so the loading process always begins on a 32K byte boundary. If two expressions are provided, the first gives the pin number of the SCL line of the EEPROM while the second expression gives the starting address. The address may be any value from zero to $7FFFF and the upper 3 bits are used to form the device select code. Once the Spin program has been successfully loaded, it begins execution. The loaded Spin program completely replaces the running FemtoBasic.

SPIN „<file>“

This causes a Spin program to be loaded into the Propeller's main memory from a specified file on an attached SD card. This file should be a copy of the binary form of a Spin program as saved from the Propeller Tool. Once the Spin program has been successfully loaded, it begins execution. The loaded Spin program completely replaces the running FemtoBasic.

DUMP <expr> , <expr>

This displays a portion of the Propeller's main memory. The first expression gives the starting address and the second expression gives the number of bytes to be displayed. The information is formatted 8 bytes per line with both hexadecimal and ASCII displayed.

DUMP [ <expr> {, <expr> } ] , <expr>

This displays a portion of the EEPROM. The last expression gives the number of bytes to be displayed. The first portion describes a starting address in EEPROM. See the SPIN statement for a description of the values.

COPY [ <expr> {, <expr>} ] , [ <expr> {, <expr>}]

This copies a Spin program from the first 32K byte EEPROM „page“ specified to the second. As with the SPIN statement, if only one expression is supplied, it provides the starting EEPROM address. If two are supplied, the first is the pin number of the SCL line while the seconds is the EEPROM address. The amount of data copied is taken from the beginning of the Spin program binary file.

COPY „<file>“ , [ <expr> {, <expr>}]

This copies a Spin program from an SD card file to a 32K byte EEPROM „page“.

COPY [ <expr> {, <expr>} ] , „<file>“

This copies a Spin program from a 32K byte EEPROM „page“ to an SD card file.